The Steering commettee is coordinating the activities and addressing common issues within the DOBES programme. In particular, its members work out a program for the workshops.
The current members of the Steering Committee are:
- Ulrike Mosel (Chair, Univeristy of Kiel)
- Gratien Atindogbe (University of Buea)
- Sebastian Drude (MPI for Psycholinguistics)
- Jost Gippert (University of Frankfurt)
- Geoffrey Haig (University of Bamberg)
- Katharina Haude (University of Cologne)
- Dagmar Jung (University of Cologne)
- Anna Margetts (Monash University)
- Frank Seifart (MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology)
- Warren Thompson (University of New Mexico)
- Paul Trilsbeek (MPI for Psycholinguistics)
- Kilu von Prince (Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin)