The data contained in the DOBES archive are assigned to different access levels. Basically, there are four access levels: On Level 1 there are files that are open to anybody. On Level 2 are files that are open for registered users who have signed the DOBES Code of Conduct (electronically). On Level 3, there are files that are accessible for users approved by the depositor. And on Level 4, there are some files that are closed due to different ethical concerns.
Most files in the archive are on level 2 and 3, i.e. they can either be accessed immediately after the registration and the signing of the Code of Conduct (Level 2) or they can be accessed once the user has been approved by the depositor (Level 3). Some of the closed resources (on Level 4) may become open resources at some point in the future. Depositors can specify dates when these resources can become accessible.
The round symbols for the different access levels in the image above are used in the display of search results and in the archive to indicate what access level a particular resource has.
For all usage cases, the archive should receive a copy of any documents that are based upon material from the DOBES archive. These can be publications by journalists, researchers or other persons, added annotations or other linguistic material. The depositors and the archivist will monitor the usage of the resources.
For the majority of resources, a user registration is necessary. In order to be able to access more data, please register here. You will also be asked to sign the Code of Conduct, an agreement that protects the rights of the speaker communities and the depositors and specifies ethical guidelines.
Usage Request
If you want to access resources for approved users on Level 3, you will need to fill in a Usage Request. In order to do so, you need to right-click on the archive node that contains the data and select “Request Resource Access”. You will then fill in the form that opens in your browser and submit it. Based on the information you supplied the depositor will decide whether or not they can grant you access.
Why aren’t all resources accessible to everybody?
It is general practice on the internet, before being granted access to resources or being allowed to use materials created by others, that certain licenses have to be signed so that the rights of the “owners” of the data are protected (Level 2 in the DOBES archive). In some projects, the agreements with the communities or individual speakers are such, that the researcher would like to know who is accessing the language data, be it because some resources will only be accessible for community members, be it because only certain uses have been agreed upon. In most cases, access will be granted for resources on Level 3. A few resources are completely closed, usually because their contents is sensitive in some way, this can for example be related to ritual knowledge or to the very private nature of topics discussed. Often these resources will become accessible at some point in the more distant future.