
Prof. Dr. Bernard Comrie (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig) is applicant and coordinator of the project.

Dr. Eliane Camargo (Université Paris X – Nanterre and CELIA, Paris) is responsible for linguistic aspects of the documentation. She has studied the Cashinahua language from 1989 onward and since then published analyses of various aspects of the language. Her special interest in this project, apart from completing/ complementing her research for a concise grammar and a dictionary of the language, is to investigate into the linguistic and cognitive categorization in Cashinahua.

Dr. Philippe Erikson (Université Paris X – Nanterre), who has done extensive field-work and anthropological research in other Panoan communities (Matis, since 1985; Chacobo, since 1991), is responsible for cultural aspects of the project.

Sabine Reiter, M.A. (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig), is responsible for linguistic aspects of the documentation and for the internet archive. She is doctoral candidate at the MPI. She participated from 2001 to 2006 as a researcher in the Awetí Language Documentation Project (see geographic overview, Dobes main).

Hanna Thiele, B.A. (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig), has joined the project team in 2009 as a student of linguistics and participates in the construction of the internet archive.

Ana Yano, M.A. (University of São Paulo) has participated in fieldtrips in 2007 and 2008 and written her Master Dissertation on “Narrativas Kaxinawá e processos de transmissão de conhecimentos” (2009).

Alberto Roque Toribio, Texerino Kirino Kapitán, Hulício Moises Kaxinauá, Jeremias Bardales, Ercilia Shuarez Aladino, Noeda Puricho Bardales (field assistants) and other members of the Cashinahua community in Peru and Brazil.