Language documentation
The recordings made in this project focus on spontaneous communicative events covering a broad range of interactional domains. These include everyday conversation, ritual speech, procedural texts on major activities, oral history, as well as interactions with speakers from neighboring speech communities. A second focus is on the documentation of the verbal arts still mastered by some older speakers
Winarno interviewing a coconut farmer on his work.
Capacity building
In 2006 and 2007 two 10-day workshops for Indonesian linguists were organized in Bali, offering theoretical and practical training in language documentation. In addition to these national workshops, several smaller workshops were organized in Palu and Tolitoli to inform the public about the project and about language endangerment and documentation more generally.
Indonesian linguists during one of the capacity building workshops.
Tutors of the 2007 Capacity Building Workshop held in Ubud, Bali.
From left to right: I Wayan Arka (Australian National University & ELDP SOAS), Jani Kuhnt-Saptodewo (Museum für Völkerkunde Wien & DoBeS), Jan Wohlgemuth (MPI Leipzig), Claudia Leto (Totoli Project, Universität Münster), Michael Ewing (University of Melbourne & ELDP SOAS), Betty Litamahuputty (Unika Atma Jaya & MPI Leipzig), Margaret Florey (Monash University & ELDP SOAS), Antonia Soriente (Unika Atma Jaya & MPI Leipzig), Nikolaus P. Himmelmann (Totoli Project, Universität Münster), Anthony Jukes (SOAS London & University of Melbourne), Simon Musgrave (Monash University & ELDP SOAS)