Adist’is kwę xáájeyii kéhdaa M. Máájuu,
Right after I left school, with M.’s mom,

į́į́paa kaa éhjudze níínííla,
we were setting traps for weasels and little animals,

ǫ́keedyi dzenéé aghúúdye gǫ́ǫ́ naxedzuudzekaa naít’aazu.
in two days time we go to check on our traps.

Łáhgúú gǫ́ǫ́ éhdzuudzekaa nat’ásiat’a,
One time we went for our traps to check on them,

naxéhdzuudze lǫ́ǫ́.
at the end of the trapline.

At’ę́ę́ łátsego jéhdzuudzekaa nach’i, sįįjuu łátsego séhdzudzeka naadyéezha.
She went in one direction to look at them, me, too, I went to check on my trap in the other direction.

Iiyéésǫ jek’áázi sįhjust.
I trapped something black.

Aajuu adastyí yee alí mį́k’a xǫ́ǫ́nazha.
I don't know what it was, so I turned back towards her.

Sóónǫghaja "Dááne chaa?" séhji’éh.
Where she came back to me she said: "What happened?".

"iiyéésǫ eh jek’áázi síhjust."
"I caught something black."

Éhsii’eh gǫǫ sáneesdyii lu.
I said this so that she would come back with me.

Sádzuudze ts’iixwą nííníít’ats eh dlukxaayadyéhtyi.
We came close to my trap and she burst out laughing.

Dlukxaayadyéhty "xá’ii nóójek’azi alį́" séhjii’eh.
She burst out laughing, "that’s a fisher!" she said to me.

"Matsii’ úúnehch’uu," sehjii’eh. Mats’ii dyéézuǫ́ méénezhide’eh.
"Shoot at his head," she said to me. I went towards it but I was scared of it.

Mats’ii xwaaniiyu mats’ii úúníít’ugo, zééxwį.
I went close to it and shot it in the head and killed it.
