Frank Seifart coordinated this project. The sub-corpora on individual languages have been compiled under the responsibility of the project members specializing on these languages. These are: Bora: Frank Seifart and Jürg Gasché (ritual discourse and festivals); Witoto (Huitoto): Jürg Gasché; Nonuya: Juan Alvaro Echeverri; Ocaina: Doris Fagua; Resígaro: Frank Seifart.
Many speakers of the languages of the People of the Center supported this project in many ways, including also transcription and translation. Their contributions are specified in the metadata for each session.
Nikolaus Himmelmann initially applied for this project together with the rest of the team, and housed it at his department at the Ruhr Universität Bochum. In addition, the following people in Bochum contributed to this project in various ways: Martin Hölter, Jan Strunk, Victoria Rodriguez, Judith Köhne, Rahel Beyer, and Iva Renic.
The following student assistants at the Universität Regensburg contributed to this project: Katharina Höhendinger, Melissa Houser, Dominik Messer, Susanne Naimer, Katharina Knuffmann, Nicole Goltz, Vanessa Messer, Florian Greiner, and Michael Fischbach.
In Iquitos, project work was supported by Ernesto Tello, Zacarias Mibeco, Nandier Meza, and Joilé Villanueva, and in Bogotá by Edilamar Bustos.